Monday 2 February 2009

Social Negativity

I'm not sure I'm exactly glad to know that I'm not the only one subject to random snowball attacks the moment there is exactly one inch of snow. I obviously have an amazing ability to attract social negativity "into my life" (as New Age types like to say). When I used to have a regular appointment in Brighton which involved walking along the main road by Preston Park I was regularly subject to abuse screamed from passing cars (usually the "c" word). Many out there would no doubt feel I deserve such treatment, however I continue to find it harrowing, what have I done?


it said...

If it's any consolation, I used to to get incoherently shouted at by lone men in their cars as I walked the ten minutes down the hill to my accounting job. At like 8.30 am! Almost every day! Why?! Why?! Why?!

Can't say as any random stranger has chucked a snowball at me yet it a boy thing? Is this what sexual difference is? Hmmm. It's a cold world, as one or other of us might say...

[the word verification for this is 'unhings', which is a great one]

Benjamin said...

seems to be blokes who are usually responsible (usually groups of lads in the case of my abuse, although on ocassion groups of girls as well), perhaps it is misplaced homosocial desire at work...
Perhaps I have a virtual sign saying 'intellectual'/ social outcast, please feel free to abuse floating above my head