Friday 22 May 2009

Pessimism of the Intellect

The use of negation: this new value, or, better, this new operating technique, has a constant function in the transformation of the capitalist-bourgeois crisis into models of development. From 1920 to about 1935, architecture was in the forefront in the battles of the dialectical conversion from Negative to Positive. Its crisis only comes at the precise moment in which, facing the reality of the Plan, the role of foreseeing or ideologically mediating the Plan ceases to exist.
Manfredo Tafuri

For a minor example of the 'use of negation', consider this on the value of 'defensive pessimism', if you should wish to harness your negativity to achieve your goals...


Savonarola said...

This is perhaps the most perplexing aspect of pensiero negativo and the whole Contropiano project: the combination of a kind of disenchanted developmentalism, a Weberian acceptance of the polar night of rationalization, with the philosophical impetus of negation, not to mention figures like Schopenhauer and Schelling, especially in Cacciari - who somehow conjoins the critique of Hegelian dialectics with the apologia for parliamentary compromise (hence Negri's quip: "..and Nietzsche went to the Parliament...".

Benjamin said...

the non-dupes err: hyper-disabused political rationalism (vectored through the PCI)coupled to the worst mysticism of negativity...
In Tafuri the whole alternation between embracing capitalist completed nihilism in pure architecture(of which Koolhaas is the uncanny disturbing terminus) or Wittgenstinian 'silence'.